This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

Name : Supriya .K ( Intern ) 

Roll Number : 63 

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan. 

31YR OLD FEMALE ,Resident of Sajjan Puram came to OPD with chief complaints of 

fever ,associated with Chills ,Rigors ,Head ache ,Joint pains and generalised weakness since 2 months 

patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 months ago , then developed fever associated with chills ,rigors ,head ache ,joint pains and generalised weakness ,went to local hospital , (on investigations , WIDAL positive , ESR raised (26mm ) ,CRP -6.01 ,K+ 2.9 , Na+ 133 , ON USG ,Cystitis and Grade 1 fatty liver found 

diagnosed as Typhoid fever and given medications ( unknown ). 

her symptoms were not relieved on taking medication. So, she came to our hospital for further management .

burning micturition present 

No H/O nausea ,vomiting ,loose stools 

No H/O cough ,cold 

Past History : 

Not a known case Of DM ,HTN ,asthma ,epilepsy ,TB ,thyroid 


In 2019 -(i.e .., 3yrs ago ) She developed fever ,which was sudden in onset ,low grade , intermittent type , lasted for 2 months duration , which was diagnosed as typhoid fever, relieved on taking medication . 

but fever recurrs every 8 months ,since then .

In 2020 ,( i.e 2yrs ago ), she developed headache ,which was sudden in onset , lasted for 1hr duration , in the parietal region radiating to neck ,increased in intensity on exposure to loud sounds (phonophobia) , went to the hospital at Miryalaguda ,took medication for 20days ,and headache got relieved for few months .

then ,associated with fever ,which reccurs every 8 months .

In October 2022,(i.e ..,2months ago ) She developed joint pains ,which involves large joints and Spine .( small joints not involved ) . Intensity increases during night time, and lasts till 1 hour after wake up in the morning ,and relieves on performing daily chores , associated with fever.

Personal History: 

Appetite - reduced 

Diet - mixed 

Sleep -adequate 

Bowel and bladder movements - regular 

Addictions - No addictions

Allergies - No allergies 


Patient is conscious ,coherent and cooperative

Temp- 98.4F

Bp- 110/70 mmHg

PR- 74bpm

RR- 20cpm

No pallor ,Icterus ,Cyanosis , Lymphadenopathy,Edema 

Visceral fat and Bilateral arm Muscle Mass : 

Systemic examination: 

CVS -S1, S2 Heard ,No murmurs 


CNS- HMF intact

P/A - soft, non tender

Provisional Diagnosis : 

PYREXIA under Evaluation 


Blood and Urine Culture Sensitivity: Negative for organisms

Serology : 

HIV - Negative 

HBsAg - Negative  

HCV - Negative 

Mantoux test : Negative  

2D ECHO : 

Trivial TR+/MR+/ AR+ 

No RWMA ,No MS/AS ,No sclerotic AV 

Good LV systolic function

No diastolic dysfunction, No PAH /PE 

EF: 50 






SOAP Notes : 


Day - 2


Body pains subsided

Head ache subsided 

No fever spikes


Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative

Temp- 98.4F

Bp- 110/70 mmHg

PR- 74bpm

RR- 20cpm

Cvs-S1 S2+

Rs- BAE+

CNS- HMF intact

P/a- soft, non tender


Pyrexia under evaluation







I didn completely get the sense of it. Can you explain it Supriya? Like the second time u mentioned it, you haven’t mentioned any episode of fever in 2021

[1/9, 12:52 AM] Moulika Ma'am 2k16: Also, in 2019 the fever was typhoid and it lasted for 2 months and it relived on medication after 2 months? When did she start the medication?

[1/9, 12:54 AM]  Dinesh Datta Sir 2k15 :  How do we know that typhoid is totally eradicated and they are not carriers,who are prone for relapse?

[1/9, 12:55 AM] Moulika Ma'am 2k16: In 2022, was the fever first or the joint pains? And the large joints meaning what all were involved? And weren’t there chills like the present episode.

Also, do you have any history of the medications used which then relived her symptoms? 

And do any of those symptoms associated with the episodes of fevers persist later as well?

[1/9, 12:57 AM] Moulika Ma'am 2k16: And like Avinash already asked, if possible the previous episodes temp graph? Or atleast a vague idea of the temperatures by the Pt or the attenders?

[1/9, 1:01 AM] Moulika Ma'am 2k16: Also, her present fever charting? And her present condition?

[1/9, 1:01 AM] Moulika Ma'am 2k16: Typhoid dilutions? From the previous reports maybe?

[1/9, 1:05 AM] Moulika Ma'am 2k16: Didn’t she get typhoid tested in 2020

[1/9, 1:07 AM] Moulika Ma'am 2k16: Any idea of what extra medication have we given that the previous doctor hasn’t that helped reduce her symptoms after 2 long months?

My Answers to the Above questions: 

[1/9, 3:04 PM] Supriya: I thought ,it's unnecessary to mention ,she developed fever in 2019 ,2020 ,2021 ,2022 .

 So, I have mentioned ,she developed fever ,which recurrs every 8 months 

I have mentioned , the new symptom ,which is specific to that particular year , that wasn't there before .

So , in 2020 , the headache she developed wasn't there in 2019 , as such her joint pains ,which she developed in 2022 wasn't there in 2021 ,2020 ,2019 

That head ache ,which she developed in 202O , relieved for few months ,after using Medications for 20days .So, she thought her headache was completely resolved ,but again when she developed fever in that year(2020) ,head ache was associated with it 

She developed joint pains, (since October ,2022 )which involved large joints ( elbow ,knee ,shoulder joints and spine ) 

But not interphalangeal and metacarpal joints .

She developed joints pains in 2022 ,which she wasn't experienced before .

So, her fever which developed 3yrs ago ,followed by joint pains .(acc to it ,her fever is first and joint pains followed it )

[1/9, 3:08 PM] Supriya: In 2021 , there were no new symptoms developed by her ,but suffered with the symptoms which she developed before( i.e fever and head ache ) 

So in my time line of events ,there is no 2021 

but I clearly mentioned ,Fever recurrs every 8 months

[1/9, 3:09 PM] Supriya: and My Provisional Diagnosis and Final diagnosis is not TYPHOID FEVER

[1/9, 3:10 PM] Supriya: Its PYREXIA UNDER EVALUATION

[1/9, 3:13 PM] Supriya: I have mentioned ,she was diagnosed with typhoid fever in just a history ,based on patient experience and previous reports

[1/9, 3:14 PM] Supriya: I have nt explained My pattern of fever is step ladder pattern ( showing insidious onset ,continuous type )

[1/9, 3:15 PM] Supriya: and her culture reports are negative for organisms

[1/9, 3:22 PM] Supriya: These were the reports ,i went through, when she was in our hospital 

[1/9, 3:22 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir Gen Med HOD: Thanks @⁨Supriya⁩ for the clarification. Please share the above clarification as well as conversation into the body of your case report at the end under the heading "discussion"

[1/9, 3:23 PM] Supriya: I have mentioned same things in the history

[1/9, 3:23 PM] Supriya: not even extra reading

[1/9, 3:24 PM] Supriya: Her temperature recordings were between ( 97F -100F) during hospital stay

[1/9, 3:24 PM] Supriya: Sure sir

[1/9, 3:25 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir Gen Med HOD: Good. But it's nice to have a separate discussion section in the case report that highlights the interactions happening as a result of your case report in which also highlights the impact of the case report on your learning ecosystem

[1/9, 3:28 PM] Supriya: This is the evidence for head ache ,for which she went to Miryalaguda hospital

[1/9, 3:29 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir Gen Med HOD: CT images should always be taken frame by frame, particularly if you want to show a finding. 

Not in this manner where there is a risk of patient identifiers becoming visible

[1/9, 3:29 PM] Supriya: I will add it in ,Case report sir

[1/9, 3:29 PM] Supriya: Yess sir

[1/9, 3:30 PM] Supriya: But ,there is no finding sir

[1/9, 3:30 PM] Supriya: I provided as evidence sir ,thats it

[1/9, 3:30 PM] Supriya: So that ,everyone doubts will be clarified

[1/9, 3:32 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir Gen Med HOD :  Yes we call it as inserting supporting evidence for the sequence of events anecdotes in a case report 👍

Dinesh datta sir 2k15 : any rash ? 

Supriya : No sir 


This 31year Old Female patient : who is a agriculture worker by Occupation , came with the above complaints as explained in biological component 

In 2019: ( had her first episode of fever ) - Relating to her psychosocial component : 

Lost her Brother ,who was big support system to her family (single sibling ) and was soo affectionate with her , In the same 2019 year . Not only this ,Her Husband Extra marrital affair with her Cousin sister was exposed , which affected her in the same 2019 year .

In 2020 : ( had fever along with headache ) - 

Relating to her psychosocial component : 

Lost her Mother , since she was the Single parent ,who raised her ,as her Father expired during her childhood afffected her deeper ( she cried and became emotional while expressing with me about her mother ) ,She was that connected to her .

Religious Philosophy: She is Hindu by religion , During her Childhood ,her father ,who frequently visited church near by their home place , was Started believing Jesus Christ and they converted to Christianity but her husband family is a Hindu family . (they Married 15Years ago , Consanguineous  marriage- He is her Brother in law  ) has 2 female child - 13yr and 11yr old .

 In the Year 2021 :  her husband was On Ayyappa swamy Maala , ( as she is fond of Bible and  Prays Jesus ) ,it was very difficult situation to her but she performed rituals in their home ,as she thought people will blame her if she doesn't involve in it . Due to strong belief of doing bad against to  Jesus . She fell sick after rituals .

Her Husband Personality in a brief : (accoding  to Pt) 

He used to work together with her in the Agriculture Farm , they were healthy and also  led happy life .3 years ago , he was into extra marrital affair with his wifes cousin sister  and it was known by his wife through people and also observed changes in her  husband behaviour ,She warned him about it . He gave some vague explaination and stopped it . Then, he continued happy life with his family .


7 months ago , he started New Tea Shop by quitting agricultural work but his wife continued the same agricultural work. They led happy life by sharing their household works and financial burden and income till  2months after his business established 

but Suddenly ,She observed changes in his behaviour ,he became soo rude and started scolding her (like ur soo unlucky to me , Neighbous  wives are so good ,they will do their work and take care of their husbands so well ) .He avoided her and was totally on Mobile ,Chatting with another lady over nights . She noticed some Messages related to their relation on his Mobile and questioned her husband. Again he gave some vague explaination and scolded her saying you studied only till 5th standard , its better studying nothing or completing higher Education ,this half study made you more foolish person . He didnt even tried to console her after this incident .She thought iam alone ,No one is there for me (  as she doesnt has her Father ,Mother and Brother ) I should only live for my Children .She had soo many thoughts about her children , If something happens to me ,what will be the future  of my children .

 Sexual relationship was not good since he was into extra marrital affair . 

His behaviour affected her more

Then she came with C/O fever , headache, generalised weakness and Joint pain since 2 months . 

During Conversation, Patient is comfortable sitting over Chair .Expressed her Inner self without hesitation ( Saying Your like God to Me ,as I expressed my feelings to only to God through Bible , I never Expressed my feelings to anyone till now like Cousins,relatives ,friends , as they try to bully my husband and my life )

Ruling Out other medical illness and through her Normal Investigation findings , I mentioned her Diagnosis as Pyrexia Under Evaluation.

Eye to Eye Contact Present , PMA - Normal 

Ruling Out - Dysfunctionality , i dont want to label my Patient with any Psychiatric illness 

Saying Mild/moderate / Severe Depression and adjustment issues .

According to me , She Requires Therapy to express her deeper inner self and  Marrital Counselling by follow up with 2 more sessions .



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